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- 1962 : Rome

  • Themes :
    - Modern aspects of the legal concept of insurance
    - Functions of private insurance and social insurance
    - Aims and means of State control

- 1966 : Hamburg

  • General Themes :
    - Action of the State with regard to insurance companies in difficulties
    - Profit insurance : loss of profit insurance, new value, admitted value, and the indemnity principle
    Special Themes :
    - The possibilities of reducing the financial burden of public liability insurance (sum insured, excess, legal costs)
    - The influence of the insured's behaviour on the cover in a contract (warranty, misrepresentation, concealment; non-disclosure, forfeitures; Obliegenheiten)
    - Group insurance, especially Life
    - "Warehouse to warehouse" clauses in marine hull insurance

- 1970 : Paris

  • Themes :
    - The rights of third parties against the insurer
    - Insurance and monetary variations

- 1974 : Lausanne

  • Themes :
    - The accumulation of claims payments, recourse and subrogation in matters of private and public insurance
    - Insurance and acts of violence against a community, which affect persons or property

- 1978 : Madrid

  • Themes :
    - Prevention and insurance
    - Pollution and insurance

- 1982 : London

  • Themes :
    - Insurance and the liability of providers of services
    - The principles which should govern the insurance of persons

- 1986 : Budapest

  • Themes :
    - Changes in the Liability law; a challenge to insurers
    - Aggravation and other modifications of the risk situation

- 1990 : Copenhagen

  • Themes :
    - Damage from international disasters in the light of tort and insurance law
    - The financial supervision of insurance companies with particular regard to the financial resources required for insurance operations

- 1994 : Sydney

  • Themes :
    - Freedom of contract and of choice of law in insurance
    - Life insurance in relation to pensions both State and private

- 1998 : Marrakech

  • Themes :
    - Insurance Intermediaries
    - The Right of the Beneficiary of performance of an Insurance Contract

- 2002 : New York City


- 2006: Buenos Aires

  • Themes
    -Insurance, reinsurance and the impact of terrorism
    -The influence of scientific and technological innovations on personal insurance
Click here to view the World Congress 2006 Brochure
Click here for paper produced by Alejandro Venegas for the panel discussion on Insurance, Reinsurance and the Impact of Terrorism

Click here to view the questionnaire by the Argentine section for this Congress (English version)
Click here to view the questionnaire by the Argentine section for this Congress (Spanish version)

Click here to view the Report on Terrorism prepared for this Congress                                                                     Click here to view the Questionnaire and National Reports on Terrorism for this Congress

Click here to view related information regarding insurance, reinsurance and the impact of terrorism
(English version)       
Click here to view supporting information on insurance, reinsurance and the impact of terrorism


- 2010: Paris

To view a copy of the Congress programme, please click here

The first topic of the Congress was 'Mandatory Insurance-Legal and Economic Myths and Realities' for which the reporter was Professor Jerome Kullmann.

To view the questionnaire for this topic please click here

The Mandatory Insurance National Reports, are attached below:

El Salvador
The Netherlands
South Africa
United Kingdom

The second topic was 'Climate Change' for which the reporter was Professor Marcel Fontaine.

Attached is the Climate Change General Report prepared by Professor Marcel Fontaine.

Attached are two files:

  1. File 1
  2. File 2

containing copies of the 21 National Reports delivered to Prof Fontaine, together with one supplementary report from Germany delivered by Claudia Föllmer. (Two further reports delivered from Argentina by Rosanna Bril and Maria Kavanagh respectively are to be found in the collection of reports described immediately below.)

Also attached are copies of and/or follow-up reports based upon most of the presentations delivered during the "Climate Change and Insurance Law" Theme session conducted in Paris at the XIII World Congress on 20 May 2010

To view the questionnaire for this topic please click here

A third topic on "Arbitration" looking at the enjoinment of third parties and enforcement of awards was also discussed.

For AIDA France website click here


- 2014: Rome

The five topics for the Congress were:

  1. Transparency, Conflicts of Interest and Intermediary Remuneration;
  2. Arbitration;
  3. Preventive Measures;
  4. On-Line Insurance; and 
  5. Discrimination in Insurance.

Attached is the final Programme in  EnglishSpanish and Italian.

The format for the subjects was short presentations and roundtable/panel discussions with contributions encouraged from delegates.

Meetings of all the AIDA Working Parties also took place in Rome.

The Transparency Questionnaire, being the subject chosen by the host Italian Chapter, was sent to all Chapters. The Questionnaire is attached in SpanishItalian and English.  

With regard to the other four Questionnaires, these are attached below. The Chairmen of the four topics were:

Piero Bernardini - Arbitration Procedure of Law - English / Spanish

Samim Unan - On-Line Insurance -  English / Spanish 

Birgit Kuschke - Discrimination in Insurance -  English / Spanish

Samantha Traves - Preventive Measures -  English / Spanish

Agendas, papers and observations of the AIDA Working Party meetings in Rome can be found on the individual Working Party pages of this website -  


- 2018: Rio de Janeiro

The World Congress took place in Rio de Janeiro from 11 - 13 October 2018. The questionnaire for the conference are below:

  1. New Technologies;
  2. Disclosure Duties;
  3. Corporate Governance of Insurers;
  4. Pollution Insurance.


Details of the programme can be found in the attached link.