Financial Lines & Cyber
The Presidential Council of AIDA, on its meeting on 23 April 2019 in Marrakesh decided to change the name of the Working Party to Financial Lines & Cyber better to reflect the ambit of the Working Party’s work and area of concern.
In Marrakesh on 24 April 2019 the Working Party held a joint meeting with the Marine Insurance Working Party details of which will be posted shortly.
The Presidential Council of AIDA, on its meeting on 11 April 2018 in Warsaw, decided to establish a new Working Party on Financial Lines & Cyber. Prof. Dr. Robert Koch LL.M. (McGill), chair of insurance law and director of the Institute of Insurance Science at the University of Hamburg (Germany), has been appointed as chairman. He has appointed abogado Ricardo Peralta, Viollier & Asociados, Ajustador, Santiago (Chile) as vice-chairman South America and Ray Giblett, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Sydney as vice-chairman Asia-Pacific.
The Inaugural meeting of the Financial Lines & Cyber Working Party took place on 13 October 2018 at the XVth AIDA World Congress in Rio de Janeiro. Attached is a paper entitled "From Infancy to Maturity - Financial Lines Insurance in Australia the past, present and future" prepared by Ray Giblett and Timothy Chan. The presentations are below:
The impact of Malicious Acts on D&O Insurance - Mariana Ferraz Menescal, Partner, Pellon & Associados, Sao Paulo
Class Actions with Brazilian ADR Listed companies - Yves Lima, Director, Aon Financial Lines
From Infancy to Maturity: Financial Lines Insurance in Australia the past, present and future - Ray Giblett, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Sydney
Also attached are the Minutes of the meeting.
Prof. Dr Jur. Robert Koch LL.M (McGill)
Hamburg University
Law Faculty
Schlueterstrasse 28
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838 4584/5788
Fax: +49 40 42838 6706

CV attached here
Vice-Chairman (South America)
Ricardo Peralta L
Viollier & Asociados, Ajustadores
La Concepcion No. 322, Oficina No. 404 Providencia - Santiago
Tel: (56-2) 23784385

CV (Spanish) and (English)
Vice-Chairman (Asia-Pacific)
Ray Giblett
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia
44 Martin Place,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel +61 2 9330 8531
Mob +61 457 850 018
Fax +61 2 9330 8111

CV attached here