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20th - 25th October 2002

Theme I Country Responses

Alternative compensation, mechanisms for damages, Common Report and National Reports from the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden


  • I. Introduction (Bo von Eyben) 11
    A. The Nordic countries 11
    B. Questionnaire 13
    C. Delimitation of alternative
    compensation schemes 18
    D. A Nordic model? 22
  • II. Common report (Bo von Eyben) 26
    A. Introduction 26
    B. Schematic survey of alternative
    compensation systems in the Nordic countries 28
    C. Cross-sectional replies to questionnaire 38

  • III. Danish report (Bo von Eyben) 64
    A. Industrial injuries 64
    B. Injuries to patients 77
    C. Pharmaceutical injuries 90
    D. Victims of crimes 96
    E. Environmental damage 100

  • IV. Finnish report (Mika Hemmo) 111
    A. Industrial injuries 111
    B. Injuries to patients 112
    C. Victims of crimes 114
    D. Environmental damage 115

  • V. Norwegian report (Peter Lødrup) 117
    A. Introduction 117
    B. Industrial injuries 120
    C. Injuries to patients 129
    D. Pharmaceutical injuries 137
    E. Victims of crimes 140
    F. Environmental damage 146
    G. Summary of replies to the questionnaire 147
    VI. Swedish report (Mats Magnusson) 151
    A. Industrial injuries 151
    B. Injuries to patients 172
    C. Pharmaceutical injuries 181
    D. Victims of crimes (Bill Dufwa) 186
    E. Environmental damage (Eva Ulvefeldt) 191

  • VII. Appendix: Statutes and insurance terms
    A. Denmark 196
    1. Liability for Damages Act
    (Lov om erstatningsansvar) 196
    2. Act on Protection against the
    Consequences of Industrial Injuries
    (Lov om sikring mod følger af arbejdsskade) 207
    3. Patient Insurance Act
    (Lov om patientforsikring) 252
    4. Act on Damages for Pharmaceutical Injuries
    (Lov om erstatning for lægemiddelskader) 264
    5. Act on Compensation from the State
    to Victims of Crimes
    (Lov om erstatning fra staten til ofre for forbrydelser) 274
    6. Contaminated Soil Act (extract)
    (Lov om forurenet jord) 282

    B. Finland
    1. Patient Injuries Act
    (Patientskadelag) 303
    2. Environmental Impairment
    Liability Insurance Act
    (Lag om miljöskadeförsäkring) 317

    C. Norway 330
    1. Act relating to Industrial Injury Insurance
    (Lov om yrkesskadeforsikring) 330
    2. Provisional System of Compensation
    for Injuries to Patients
    (Midlertidig ordning med
    pasientskadeerstatning) 337
    3. Products Liability Act, ch. 3
    (Produktansvarslov kap. 3) 341

    D. Sweden 348
    1. The Patient Injury Act
    (Patientskadelag) 348
    2. Undertaking to pay compensation
    for drug-related injuries
    (Åtagande att utge ersättning för läkelmedelsskada) 356
    3. Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
    (Brottsskadelag) 365