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Pollution Insurance

1. Argentina
Reporter: Rossana Brill

2. Australia
Reporter: Johanna Kennerley

3. Austria
Reporter: Erika Wagner

4. Bolivia - English - Spanish
Reporter: Sandra Ramirez - English and Spanish

5. Brazil
Reporter: Pery Saraiva Neto and Marco Antônio P Ferreira

6. Chile
Reporter: José Manuel Valderrama

7. Colombia
Reporter: Juan Manuel Diaz-Granados

8. Finland
Reporter: Matti Sjögren

9. Germany
Reporter: Vincent Schreier

10. Greece
Reporter: Harris Sinodinos and Mira Todorovic-Symeonides

11. Israel
Reporter: Sharon Shefer Adv and Karin Elbaz Adv,

12. Italy
Reporter: Marco Frigessi di Rattalma

13. Japan - Bibliography
Reporter: Kinzo Kuwana

14. Mexico
Reporter: Yves Hayaux du Tilly, Luciano Perez, Enrique Salcedo

15. New Zealand
Reporter: Catherine Goode

16. Poland
Reporter: Dorota Masniak

17. Portugal
Reporter: Maria Paula Rios

18. Russia
Reporter: Dmitry Gruzintsev,

19. South Africa
Reporter:Birgit Kuschke

20. Taiwan
Reporter: Frank Lin

21. Turkey
Reporter: Ecehan Yesilova-Aras and Nil Kula Degirmenci

22. UK
Reporter: Aidan Thomson

23. Uruguay
Reporter: Andrea Signorino and Marcelo Cousillas